
BosleyMD 防落髮旅行組

Original price was: NT$2,400.Current price is: NT$2,040.


Protect against thinning hair with BosDefense 30-Day Kit featuring a simple, 3-step system including a Nourishing Shampoo, Volumizing Conditioner and Thickening Treatment. Sulfate-free BosDefense Nourishing Shampoo helps remove build-up, such as DHT, from the scalp surface, while cleansing hair of product build-up and pollution. Panthenol, Veget…



  • 防落髮洗髮精 150ml :預防落髮的好選擇,能夠溫和地去除頭髮上的二氫睪酮、產品及汙染堆積物,創造適合頭髮生長的頭皮環境,增強髮絲強韌度並鎖住水分、預防斷裂。
  • 防落髮護髮劑 150ml :含二氫睪酮阻隔劑有助於預防及減緩落髮、促進頭髮生長,能夠使頭髮看起來更豐盈飽滿,讓髮絲更強韌、有光澤。
  • 防落髮蓬鬆慕絲 100ml :有效阻隔頭皮上的二氫睪酮,促進健康的頭髮生長,綿密泡沫質地讓產品更容易被吸收,且能夠在髮根部分創造豐盈效果。


  • 幫助維持頭髮健康的成分,例如鋸棕櫚、南瓜籽萃取精華和咖啡因,能夠幫助頭皮潔淨、健康,髮根強健濃密。
  • 生物素、葵花籽和頻果幹細胞萃取精華等植物性成分能有助於維持髮質健康、活化頭皮髮根,維持頭髮強健。
  • 提供360度全方位健康頭髮養護療程,男女有別的特製化配方,讓秀髮豐盈濃密,重拾自信。
  • BosleyMD產品固色護色、純素配方、不做動物實驗,不含防腐劑、不含硫酸鹽且不含麩質成分。


  • 防落髮洗髮精:取適量使用於濕髮與頭皮上清潔全頭,沖淨即可。
  • 防落髮護髮劑:洗髮後取適量均勻塗抹於全頭,盡量不要太刻意塗抹頭皮,停留1-2分鐘後再以清水沖淨。
  • 防落髮蓬鬆慕絲:均勻搖晃,塗抹適量在清潔後的微濕髮上,用手指輕輕按摩頭皮幫助產品吸收,不需沖洗,進行後續造型動作。

BosDefense Color Safe 30 Day Kit

Protect against thinning hair with BosDefense 30-Day Kit featuring a simple, 3-step system including a Nourishing Shampoo, Volumizing Conditioner and Thickening Treatment.

Sulfate-free BosDefense Nourishing Shampoo helps remove build-up, such as DHT, from the scalp surface, while cleansing hair of product build-up and pollution. Panthenol, Vegetable Proteins and Sea Kelp Extract help strengthen existing hair strands. Maintains a clean environment for the appearance of thicker, fuller-looking hair.

BosDefense Volumizing Conditioner is a weightless, daily conditioner containing DHT inhibitors that infuses body and shine without weighing the hair down. Biotin, Niacin and Panthenol help nourish and strengthen existing hair. Hair appears fuller and nourished with more volume.

Designed to help inhibit DHT, the BosDefense Leave-In Thickening Treatment is a lightweight, foaming, alcohol-free intensive treatment that may aid in rejuvenating the scalp and help support the growth of stronger, healthier hair. Pumpkin Seed Extract, a natural DHT-Blocker, plus Apple Stem Cell Extract promote healthy hair growth while Panthenol strengthens and nourishes existing hair. May assist in thickening hair, reconditioning fragile hair and providing instant volume.

Features & Benefits

  • Pumpkin Seed Extract is a natural DHT-blocking ingredient rich in vitamins and minerals that helps promote healthy hair growth.
  • Biotin helps strengthen the existing hair follicle.
  • Niacin helps revitalize hair to reduce hair shedding.
  • Panthenol helps strengthen existing hair and improve moisture retention creating thicker, fuller-looking hair.

How to Use

  1. Emulsify shampoo in hands, evenly distribute on wet hair concentrating on scalp.
  2. Massage generously in a circular motion for 1 full minute. Rinse.
  3. After shampooing, emulsify conditioner in hands, evenly distribute on wet hair with focus on mid-shaft and ends.
  4. Leave in up to five minutes and rinse.
  5. After conditioner, apply Thickening Treatment foam to thinning areas of shampooed, towel-dried hair.
  6. Apply treatment foam directly to scalp and root area only.
  7. Massage into scalp with fingertips.
  8. Dry and style hair as usual.

Special Tips & Tricks

For extra care on excessively oily hair and scalp, supplement your BosDefense Shampoo with BosleyMD Rejuvenating Scalp Scrub once a week. To use, gently shampoo with BosDefense Shampoo, rinse. Then apply Scalp Scrub with fingertips directly onto scalp and massage in circular motion for 1 minute. Follow with BosDefense Conditioner for mid-shaft and ends. Complete the experience with leave-in BosDefense Thickening Treatment foam, style as usual.

Vegan, Cruelty-Free, Sulfate-Free, Paraben-Free, Color Safe

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