- 方形板梳特別適合中長髮與長髮吹風使用,具有寬大的梳面,加快吹風速度,讓頭髮更直順,也可以用來梳理糾結的頭髮,同時溫柔地按摩頭皮。
- 因為在乎秀髮,所以您更需要一系列梳具,幫助塑造並維持各種不同風格的完美髮型,ghd專業髮梳系列功能齊全,從寬齒梳到天然鬃毛圓梳一應俱全,是專適用於吹風時讓頭髮更直順,或是梳理糾結的頭髮為沙龍打造的專業級造型工具,打造完美髮型的同時也愛護您的頭髮。
- 由於梳子為原木材質所製,為了避免損壞,請勿將原木的部分(包含手把)浸泡於任何液體中。
- 清潔時僅需擦拭乾淨即可。若要清潔鬃毛,建議可置於溫肥皂水中輕微搖動,切勿使用任何含氨或強力清潔劑清洗。
paddle brush
Best for fast and effective styling on mid length to long hair styles. Use the ghd paddle brush to detangle longer lengths without generating static; create straight and sleek blow-dries and smooth hair into ponytails and updos.
How to use: For a quick and sleek blow-dry, blast dry hair until 80% dry. Brush hair from root to tip using swift strokes while following the direction of your brush with your hairdryer. Ensure your dryer’s nozzle is on to concentrate the air flow.
Style tip: For a straight fringe that sits perfectly, alternate between brushing to the left and right with the paddle brush, while blasting with your dryer on a low heat and medium speed setting.
Tame and finish your style with ghd’s range of professional dressing brushes. Set your style, brush out waves or add texture to enhance the finishing touches of your desired look.
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