- 奢華濃郁的精華液,給秀髮最溫和、最密集的滋養。富含9種天然精華油和精萃,集中修復並強韌受損髮質,預防髮尾分岔。
- 成分中富含9種天然精油及萃取成分,夜間修復菁萃可有效減少頭髮的老化受損症狀,同時加強防護頭髮,避免頭髮鬆弛分岔。
- 全球銷售第一。是一款深層、濃縮的夜間修復精華液,可以達到深層修復及強韌髮絲的效果。
- 一、滴2-3滴於掌心,雙手搓揉。輕輕塗抹在用毛巾擦乾的頭髮上,從髮中到髮梢,隔天早上沖洗乾淨,照常洗滌和調理。
- 二、 在吹乾或定型前塗抹在潮濕或乾燥的頭髮上。
- 三、 將 1 滴滴入 Balmain 髮膜或護髮素中,跟髮膜跟護髮素一起使用。
This lavish serum consists of a rich formula of both Argan Oil and Silk Protein. This unique combination reduces visible signs of damaged hair, dry strands and is easily absorbed by the hair. The Argan Oil ensures maximum hydration whilst the Silk Protein works to repair any damage. It can be used in three ways – as an overnight treatment for soft and shiny hair, before styling to protect against heat or a add to hair mask or conditioner for a nourishing and restorative effect.
Instructions for use:
1. Distribute 2-3 drops into palm, rubbing hands together
Work gently into towel-dried hair from mid-lengths to tips
Cover pillow and leave in overnight and rinse out in the morning, washing and conditioning as normal
2. Apply by spreading through damp or dry hair before blow-dry or styling. Do not rinse.
3. Distribute 1 drop into Balmain Hair Mask or Conditioner. Use as Hair Mask or Conditioner
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