As with the Hawaiian savage, so with the white sailor-savage. With the same marvellous patience, and with the same single shark’s tooth, of his one poor jack-knife, he will carve you a bit of bone sculpture, not quite as workmanlike, but as close packed in its maziness of design, as the Greek savage, Achilles’s shield; and full of barbaric spirit and suggestiveness, as the prints of that fine old Dutch savage, Albert Durer.
Wooden whales, or whales cut in profile out of the small dark slabs of the noble South Sea war-wood, are frequently met with in the forecastles of American whalers. Some of them are done with much accuracy.
Nor when expandingly lifted by your subject, can you fail to trace out great whales in the starry heavens.
- Studio Photographer
Close on its apparition, and blindingly violet by contrast, danced out the first light of the gathering storm, and the thunder burst like a rocket …
VIEW PROFILE - Creative Director
As they walked off together, Alice heard the King say in appealing low voice, to the company generally, ‘You are all pardoned.’ Come, that’s about …
台灣近年來的流行,你要說怎麼設定走向真的有夠難,就因為舶來物 太多,韓風、日系、歐美…..等等,融合了太多太多,而又沒有自己統領的一套,以致很混亂,所以你要問我說現在流行什麼?我還真的很難回答你! 就像現在台灣天氣一樣亂的很,你站在捷運站觀察看看,春夏秋冬、長袖、短袖、短版、大衣全都有人穿,肯定讓你完全不知道現在是什麼季節。 我一直以來就都不是跟著所謂的流行走,我做出的髮型,真的很少會是台灣時下在夯什麼就跟著做什麼,頂多只能跟你講我是跟著世界潮流走。 做自己其實最流行了啊! 為了讓自己不當個路人甲,而一直勤奮努力著的你,又為何要把自己帶入那條條框框裡! 關於時尚這件事 你確定已經想好要做你自己了嗎!? 蠻有可能我當下做的東西,你隔個一兩年再回頭瞧瞧,有時候是否會覺得好像有那麼點眼熟,像似迎上台灣正要開始流行 的那一波浪潮,這一點我的老客人們應該都很有感。
VIEW PROFILE - Sales Manager
In 1778, the finest ship, the Amelia, fitted out for the express purpose, and at the solitude charging of the vigorous Enderbys, boldly rounded Cape …